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+92 304 4784529

Monday - Friday : 9am - 6pm

+92 304 4784529

Net Metering

Net Metering is the ability a solar user gets where they can return excess power generated by them to the national grid, which is bought usually at the off-peak rate of the area where this solar solution is installed. This facility is available for all Solar solutions lager than 5 KW (Hybrid or Grid tied) .

The Solar Energy system produces electricity, it is first used to power the home or facility where it is installed. Any excess electricity generated beyond the immediate consumption is sent back to the utility grid.

To enable this function “Bi – Directional meters” are used where the excess energy, over and above the domestic usage of the solar user is transferred to the national grid . the value of the units transferred is adjusted from the units consumed as per the electricity bill.

Embrace the advantages of Net Metering with IRTIKAZ Solar Energy Solutions for a comprehensive and eco-friendly approach to energy management. Our expertise ensures that your solar system not only powers your immediate needs but also actively participates in building a more sustainable and resilient energy infrastructure. Maximize the potential of your solar investment and play a role in shaping a greener future.

WAPDA Electricity Bill Calculation

The Peak and off peak units are
adjusted with the imported units

The Peak and off peak units are
adjusted with the imported units

WAPDA Electricity Bill Calculation

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